More Flexibility in Costlog
Several things:
Allow for random transactions to be entered directly (without having to assign them as a recurring transaction) I think that most people (certainly, I do) budget the main and recurring bills, however there is always random spending (take out food, miscellaneous items, etc) As I understand it, you need to adjust your balance as a result of any random spending, however this is not tracked or reported on when looking at 90 day history.
Allow for a pre-set bill to be paid early, sliding to the left (in calendar screen) allows for the deletion of a record, maybe slide right to pay a bill earlier than you had forecasted.
Can the 90 day history be increased to maybe a year (or greater)
When opening the "calc" (which I have purchased) within the costlog app, it opens the full screen of the calc, can the "calc" be activated in any area of costlog requiring a calculation, and the answer derived from the calculation go directly into the appropriate entry screen. (I suppose this means embedding calc Ito costlog)
Small Problems:
I can't get costlog to work on my Apple Watch, it appears but does not show any thing relating to my actual costlog.
When changing the view (from sums to charts) the resulting pie chart becomes cluttered trying to show a chart result (text overlapping text)
Many thanks for taking the time to review the above (lengthy list) I am an avid user of this software, and have recently posted positive results on the app-store. I look forward to your review of the above
Shane a

Released in CostLog v1.7 on March 10. The Archive will be extended in v2.0 and is tracked under a separate request going forward.