Calculate hours, mins, secs...
Add the ability to calculate time together i.e. 30 (minutes)+ 33+ 1 hour 12 + 45 + 6 + 5 hour 23= X hours and X minutes
Function URL Encoding Corrections:
We are looking into this for a future release, in the meantime please use a custom function whenever more convenient:
This will allow to compute hours and minutes this way: hm(1;50) + hm(1;10) … however, it will always return minutes as a fraction of the hour.
For that, another custom function can be added so that hhmm(x) >> hhmm(1.75) = 1.45 and so on : calcswift://action?addFunc=hhmm~~floor%28%241%29%20%2B%20%28%241%20-%20floor%28%241%29%29%20%C3%97%2060%2F100
Please note, both functions must to be used separately since the current release of CALC does not yet support nested custom functions.
p.s. tapping the calcswift:// links on your device should add the function to the custom advanced function section of your CALC app.
忠瑋 commented
GC commented
This would be nice. You can make custom functions to achieve something similar [eg. timecalc: ($1 + ($2/60))], but you can't return it in hours and minutes. Having a separate type of calculator would be nice and could save some time.
Other types of calculators that would be cool to have are degree minute seconds and feet-inches calculators.
DGM calc:
(4;51;22)+(18;12;0)+(0;59;58)= 24deg 3min 20secFt-in calc:
(6;3)+(5;8)+(4;6)+(0;11)+(12;6)= 29ft 10inFt-in calculators are helpful to engineers, saves a ton of time
Anonymous commented