Persistent transactions until manually cleared
I would love it if there was an option that would let transactions persist until manually cleared. For example, if I have a bill set up recurring for the 10th of the month, and I don’t get on the app until the 12th, that transaction is gone. It would be awesome if they would persist u til manually cleared in the instance that I don’t get on the app every day or if a bill doesn’t hit my Bank account on the exact day I have it set up for. This would help keep me from missing some bills and keeping a more accurate forecast. Otherwise, I love the app!

Manual Transactions have finally arrived! Now available on the App Store in Cash Cast v 1.9.50.
This new option gives you the ability to mark the entire Schedule for Manual processing by default or just mark an individual future transaction as needed. You can also change the mark on each transaction so that it gets processed automatically on a given date or simply process early if the time has already passed.
Looking forward to your feedback!
Anonymous commented
This feature should be optional.
Wilbert van Bakel commented
This feature should be optional, though.
I use another forecast app that requires me to mark every transaction as paid and since I have all my bills set on autopay, I don't need to keep track of them.
I just need to update the amount when I see the bill. -
Jaygee commented
Agree. This is seriously needed. I really need to see at least the last seven days going backwards
andreandre3 commented
I vote for this as well. It would be great to see even the last few days, grayed out, so I can see what I planned to pay if I forgot. Your app helps me manage my dyscalculia better than anything I've tried!
Matt commented
Agreed, I purchased an iPad Pro as my daily PC and i preferred Money- Sunset Delux, others may know this but i can’t use Money on iPad.
Now i need something as good as i had and its hard to find that type of software so YES, please allow for this option?
Amy Carpenter commented
Great idea. Even if only the past 30 days are kept and scrollable. They could be shown greyed out but still there. I’ve missed some bills too for the same reason. I love this app too, have been using it for ages and it’s kept me on track.
Anonymous commented
Some bills cannot be sent until the actual bill is received. I need to know what has been sent.
Bryan Forbush commented
That is the only thing missing in this app that makes me look elsewhere.