User Ideas
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32 results found
Calculate hours, mins, secs...
Add the ability to calculate time together i.e. 30 (minutes)+ 33+ 1 hour 12 + 45 + 6 + 5 hour 23= X hours and X minutes
17 votesFunction URL Encoding Corrections:
We are looking into this for a future release, in the meantime please use a custom function whenever more convenient:
This will allow to compute hours and minutes this way: hm(1;50) + hm(1;10) … however, it will always return minutes as a fraction of the hour.
For that, another custom function can be added so that hhmm(x) >> hhmm(1.75) = 1.45 and so on : calcswift://action?addFunc=hhmm~~floor%28%241%29%20%2B%20%28%241%20-%20floor%28%241%29%29%20%C3%97%2060%2F100
Please note, both functions must to be used separately since the current release of CALC does not yet support nested custom functions.
p.s. tapping the calcswift:// links on your device should add the function to the custom advanced function section of your CALC app.
12 votes
Financial Calculator capabilities
If I earn 20 times X, what % gain or loss have I achieved?
Bought at .10 / share and now it's at $4.00. What per cent gain did I make?
Better yet if it's over 28 months what was my annual % gain?
11 votesFinancial functions will be in the shared space soon! Please provide your insight what functions you’d like to see – you can get the first sample via this KB article:
Add solving equation abilities
Please enable the operations for solving equations - linear equations in 3 parameters.
11 votes -
10 votes
Option to replace Apple calculator.
The apple calculator is lousy. It doesn't have two-line display to see what you entered or even see it as you are typing. It's like old one-line Casio calculators. You should have an option to replace it if possible.
10 votesThis should be finally possible with the upcoming iOS14 :-)
Do calc AFTER you press function
This is the only thing that keeps me from using the app more. It is soooooo strange that the answer is shown with partial entries. If is very confusing. Please have option to wait for the next function key before showing an answer.
8 votesThis is actually one of the main benefits of CALC, – it will calculate as you type, so you do not need to press = at all unless you’d like to store and use the expression or the answer. There is no way to determine at what point a calculation should start and stop, but if we get enough votes on this, we can add the ability to turn the “live” feature of CALC on/off to make it work like a traditional calculator…
make Calc available for Android on the Google Play Store
I have an iPhone 5 and have used your calculator app Calc for about 1 year. Eventhough it doesn't seem like a lot of time. I have grown to love your app I just pre-ordered my Nexus 6P because i want to try using an Android phone. So I decided to start a list of apps that I have on my iPhone that I will get on my Nexus 6P. But when I searched for your app i didn't see it on the Google Play store. I really hope that you guys decide that it is worth it to sell…
8 votes -
Make it more obvious how to do Negative Numbers
Negative numbers are produced by just typing the minus "-" before the number or by tapping and holding the minus button afterwards, but since there is no "+/-" button it is not immediately obvious how this works.
7 votesConsidering adding an initial hint on the negative button to resolve this.
6 votes
Reviewing for feasibility :-)
Make the status bar background transparent
It's black right now so if you have an image it kind of gets in the way :)
6 votes -
Add quick exit back to calc UI from sub-menus
FEATURE REQ: make it easier to return to the calculator UI when in a nested sub-menu. For example, from (Options ==> Settings ==> Themes ==> Custom), just tap the calculator background rather than hitting the “back triangle” multiple times. v3.5.22
6 votes -
View multiple lines of history setting
Without having to touch again and again, it would be super ideal to view previous lines of calculations, and copy values to present calculations.
I see that users may view previous calculations in history, but there is no option to view a certain number of lines of history WHILE calculating. This function on physical calculators is priceless, and feels limiting to use an advanced iOS without the capability.
6 votesUsers have the ability to use the tape roll or side by side history in the Landscape mode. Portrait mode history is now under consideration – suggestions welcome!
VoiceOver for supported languages
Please add VoiceOver to all functional parts of the UI
6 votes -
Add move cursor buttons for editing
Using the magnifying glass can be a bit tricky, Left/Right buttons could be usefull
5 votes -
4 votes
CALC Smart is available on OSX - iCloud sync is the only missing piece of the puzzle now, but it is planned :-)
Custom Themes Data Base
Allow users to publish their custom themes to a data base for other users to browse, rate, and use themselves.
4 votes -
I would like to add titles to my calculations that I saved.
Add titles in history
3 votes -
Multiple Timers
Add the ability to have multiple timers running at once.
3 votes -
Date Conversion
I would like to have a timestamp to date conversion especially
2 votes
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